Saturday, October 21, 2017

UpDate- Philadelphia Court Order Alan Kauffman Had No Standing In Removing Money from the Albert Robert Miller Estate,

If you remember we posted this a few blogs in the past. We are posting this again. Alan Kauffman claimed he did not know where this Estate was and he had no standing to remove any money from this estate. The Will of Albert Robert Miller stated that if Elizabeth (Lakie) Miller became incapacitated then Legg Mason has to go to court and appoint a new Trustee. Loretta Miller was willed in her husband's Will to be the trustee of this estate since there was a in AR Miller's Will clause no 11 stating a Trusteeship can be willed by a trustee. Loretta Miller was the lawful Trustee. But Charles Shuman the wealth manager of this estate hated Loretta Miller because she removed him from her account and moved her account out of Legg Mason to Alex Brown.

In 2003 Jordan Miller after moving to Florida transferred as the Trustee of AR Millers Trust  to a Legg Mason office in Palm Beach Florida. The Account Manager was Roy Apple and Roy looked at a this account and adjusted which increased the earnings by $200,000.00. When Lakie came out of the Menorah House Susan King took over the Albert Robert Miller Trust ( her name and address was found on one of the documents and well as orders to pay her with copies of the checks) and schemed with Charles Shuman in opening the Living Lakie Trust Account with the Marital Trust of over 1 1/2 million dollars and Elizabeth in her Wachovia Bank Checking Account dissolved 5 account that was high yielding , stuck over $800,000.00 into a checking account. Elizabeth held the money there for 1 year and then placed it into the Living Lakie Trust. 
In 2004 after she was Baker Acted Elizabeth got rid of Susan King and hired Frank Pilotti. With Frank Pilotti's help  she bought a Condo in Broward County at the Century Village over paid for this Condo and moved there. This purchase was done with AR Miller Trust account not the Living Lakie Account. She decided to place the condo into the name of the Living Lakie Trust without any regard to the fact the money came from the AR Miller Trust and the fact she bought it after she was Baker Acted and declared incapacitated by Saint Mary's Hospital . Elizabeth needed to get out of Palm Beach County since her Baker Acting in her mind would follow her. She told the Hospital she was never institutionalized but her daughter in law was and had electric shock treatments. They did not believe her. According to the  court orders she was assigned to the Florida NeuroPsychiatric Institute in Broward County Florida for treatment and medication adjustment for her schizophrenia, bipolar and dementia along with parinoidia. 

 Elizabeth had visited the Festival Market Place where Marcus and Loretta had a business and would stop there to talk to them. Loretta ordered shoes for Elizabeth, did not charge her and suddenly Elizabeth was accusing Loretta again of stealing her money with the Condo in West Palm Beach at the Century Village that had both their names on the deed.  Loretta knew Elizabeth was not living there and Elizabeth refused to give her the keys. Elizabeth was allowing Charles Shuman to use it and others.
 Alan Kauffman and Charles Shuman together hid the account. Charles Shuman left Legg Mason and the account fell onto a computer that spit out a $8,000 check a month going directly into an account Alan Kauffman was in control of . No bills just word of month between Shuman and Alan Kauffman and with Alan Kauffman in control the AR Miller Trust that became online account access with no watch dog. Stealing each month from the AR Miller Estate and placing it in the Lakie Living trust. When Elizabeth died he Randy Schlanger and John Shrills became the owners of money's stolen from the  Albert Robert Miller estate and divided it up amongst themselves.
The reason why Charles Shuman hated Loretta was that Charles Shuman was giving information of the movement of Loretta's , Jordan's both joint and singular  and Marcus' account and money along with stock purchases to Elizabeth Miller which was none of her business and that was unethical. Loretta Miller, Jordan  had jointly and as custodians for Marcus, filed a complaint  against Charles Shuman and a call from Shuman was received that he was going to kill her for that. Charles Shuman was acting illegally in this action below. Many complaints were written to the SEC both Federal and State and nothing was done.

Pennsylvania Law pertaining to Wills, Estates, Foundations must go to Orphan's Court to appoint a Trustee. Alan Kauffman self appointed himself and when it was brought up in Family Court to Magistrate Rita Berry she claimed that Florida courts have nothing to do with Pennsylvania or Pennsylvania Laws, So according to Florida Laws anyone can steal from another state. If this is the case. OJ should have never been arrested.

Court order to stop sending any account information to Alan Kauffman because he has no standing.

.According to the hospital records at Delray Beach Hospital it stated that Elizabeth Miller had dementia when she was in the hospital November 7 2006 Plus she was on narcotics. There was a video taken paid by the AR Miller Trust therefore the video belongs to the AR Miller Trust. This video was suppose to demonstrate she had capacity when she signed these papers to protect her and her attorney. The Video is a public record if he stated it was used for capacity. If Elizabeth had her capacity he would have blasted that video in all the courtrooms we brought him into. But Kauffman didn't . Meaning it showed she was  incapacitated.   Kauffman refused to show the video stating it would embarrass her. If she had her capacity she would not be embarrassed in fact if she was incapacitated she would not know the difference. Kauffman tried to use everything in the book to stop us from seeing this video but it was obtained and I will put this video on later as soon as we place it on Youtube and Vimeo for educational purposes.  Her capacity showed she had dementia (I am putting it nicely) and she was coached what to say and for her test. Randy Schlanger coached her.

There is no where in this living will that states Elizabeth is not to be taken to the hospital or the police is not to be called if she dies in the home. Normal routine at Homewood is to call the ENT's if the person is in distress or the Sheriff if the person dies. This way the home is not held responsible for any foul play. But the Sheriff was not called nor she was taken to the hospital. She died not in the home. She was removed in August 2009 and brought somewhere. We have witness's that she was brought to Randy Schlangers home and there are witness's that a body was removed on November 22, 2009 from Randy Schlangers home 

Please note the signature of Holly Alter. She became Alan Kauffman's wife right after the death of  Elizabeth (Lakie) Miller.That is public record, She just recently divorced him right after he thought the estate in Philadelphia was settled, The Money was settled the body of Elizabeth Lakie Miller  was exhumed. Once the body is buried in a family plot it becomes the property of the family. 

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